Go Green and Save Money with Xerox

Go Green and Save Money with Xerox

Going green in your office is a responsible way to help the planet, but did you know it provides a full line-up of benefits for your business too? Here’s how sustainable office practices can help your organization succeed. You’ll reduce your operating...
MFP Security Improvements

MFP Security Improvements

With data breaches reaching some of the most high profile companies in recent years, businesses and technology providers have scrambled to create security measures to combat threats to data storage. While obvious targets have included computers and the software...
Green Marketing and Cartridge Recycling

Green Marketing and Cartridge Recycling

Taking care of the economy is a growing value in our society as people seek ways to best preserve the world around us. Many people intentionally look for eco-friendly businesses to work in industries that deal with reusable materials. If companies desire to gain an...
Controlling Print Associated Costs

Controlling Print Associated Costs

Developing and maintaining an effective printing process can be expensive, time-consuming, and confusing. Unless you are a printing expert, decisions you make about equipment, supplies, and procedures can be blind shots in the dark that you hope to work well. The...
A Definitive Look at Managed Print

A Definitive Look at Managed Print

If you’re looking for reliable, efficient managed print services, the chances are that you’ve done a lot of research and found a lot of information. That’s great–but sometimes it can be too much. Today, we’ll take a simple, definitive...

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