Clearing a message or error code on your Xerox system is often a simple matter of following through with the request. A message may tell you there’s a problem with a paper tray or that you’re low on toner. Occasionally, correcting the issue doesn’t clear the message. Here’s what you can try to get back on track.

  1. Repeat the requested process. If the message told you a door or cover wasn’t closed, for example, try opening and closing it again.
  2. Wait a few more seconds. The sensors that tell your Xerox copier to send you a message need a few more moments to reset completely. Some messages require five seconds or more.
  3. Go to the Xerox support page for assistance. The Xerox support page is your portal to vital information about your copiers and printers. Type the message in the search field precisely as you see it on the display. You may receive additional instructions to clear the message.
  4. Try the Xerox customer forum. Xerox users often find straightforward answers to their questions from other users who’ve encountered the same issue. Post your question on the Xerox Customer Support Community Forum and see if someone responds.
  5. Reboot your device. When all else fails, try turning off your equipment, waiting a few minutes, and then restarting it. Just like your smartphone or computer, a copier reboot often clears up conflicting information, erasing error codes and system hiccups.
  6. Call for support. If your attempts to clear a message haven’t worked, the Xerox customer support line is available. You can also call your equipment or Xero Managed Print Services provider. Be sure to have your equipment’s model and serial number ready as well as the exact wording of the message you’ve been seeing.

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